Connection to MySQL with MySQLi

Open command prompt and go to mysql/bin derictory


Type "show databases;" command to view which databases you have.


In my connection code example, I will use connection to usernames table located in myearcth database.

Type "use myearth;" to switch to myearth database.

To see, which tables exist in the myearth database, type command "SHOW TABLES FROM MYEARTH;"


I have the usernames table. You can create it by "copy and paste" the following create table statement.

CREATE TABLE `usernames` ( `userid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `lastname` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `firstname` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `username` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `password` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, `role` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `city` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `country` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `bio` text, `website` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `active` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;

After the table is created, you may use a command "show columns from usernames;" to see all its columns

Create the connect.php file with the following code:


$link=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","sergey_s", "myearth");

if (mysqli_connect_errno())
$msg="Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

Later, you may include it in any php file that access data in the database.

To insert records in the usernames table, use the following code.


<?php include('connect.php'); $lastname="Silver"; $firstname="John"; $username="johnsl"; $password="5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99"; // md5 encrypted word "password" $email=""; $role="user"; $city="Treasure Island"; $country="None"; $bio="I am a pirat!"; $ipsql="insert into usernames( userid, lastname, firstname, username, password, email, role, city, country, bio, active) values (0,'".$lastname."','".$firstname."','".$username."','".$password."','".$email."','".$role."','".$city."','".$country."','

', 1)"; if(!mysqli_query($link,$ipsql)) { $msg=mysqli_error($link); } else { $msg="record inserted successfully!"; } echo $msg; ?>

Run insert_record.php file and check in the command prompt that the record is inserted.

select your database and type: "select * from usernames". The record is displayed. If it is not inserted, then, probably, you made a typo.

Create a display_record.php file to dislay the inserted record.

<?php include('connect.php'); $sql="select lastname,firstname,username,email,role from usernames where email='".$email."'"; if(!$uresult=mysqli_query($link,$sql)) { $msg=mysqli_error($link); } else { $urow = mysqli_fetch_array($uresult, MYSQLI_NUM); $lastname=$urow[0]; $firstname=$urow[1]; $username=$urow[2]; $email=$urow[3]; $role=$urow[4]; echo $lastname." | " . $firstname . " | " . $username . " | " . $role . "<br>"; } ?>

For updating the record, create the "update_record.php" file.


<?php include('connect.php'); $role="admin"; $username="sniderj"; $sql="UPDATE usernames SET role='".$role."' where username='".$username."'"; //echo "sql=".$sql."<br>"; if(!mysqli_query($link, $sql)) { $msg=mysqli_error($link); } else { $msg="Record is updated successfully!"; } echo $msg; ?>

For delete the record, create the "delete_record.php" file.


<?php include('connect.php'); $userid=2; $sql="delete from usernames where userid=".$userid; //echo "sql=".$sql."<br>"; if(!mysqli_query($link, $sql)) { $msg=mysqli_error($link); } else { $msg="Record is deleted successfully!"; } echo $msg; ?≫

You can create a function to insert, update or delete a record. This function will take a query as an argument that we pass by value and message argument that is passed by reference. The function return 1 in case of success and 0 in case of failure.

function execute($sql, &$msg) { if(!mysqli_query($link, $sql)) { $msg=mysqli_error($link); return 0; } else { $msg="Record is deleted successfully!"; return 1; } }

You may display not only data, but also the table column names and other metadata.

<?php include('connect.php'); $email=""; $sql="select lastname,firstname,username,email,role from usernames where email='".$email."'"; if(!$result=mysqli_query($link,$sql)) { $msg=mysqli_error($link); } else { while ($fieldinfo=mysqli_fetch_field($result)) { print("Database: ". $fieldinfo->db . " | " ); print("Table: ". $fieldinfo->table . " | " ); print("Name: ". $fieldinfo->name . " | " ); print("charset #: ". $fieldinfo->charsetnr. " | "); print("Length: ". $fieldinfo->length. " | "); print("Max_Length: ". $fieldinfo->max_length. " | "); print("Type: ". $fieldinfo->type . " | "); echo "<br>"; } } mysqli_free_result($result); ?>


Database: myearth | Table: usernames | Name: lastname | charset #: 8 | Length: 20 | Max_Length: 6 | Type: 253 |

Database: myearth | Table: usernames | Name: firstname | charset #: 8 | Length: 20 | Max_Length: 4 | Type: 253 |

Database: myearth | Table: usernames | Name: username | charset #: 8 | Length: 20 | Max_Length: 7 | Type: 253 |

Database: myearth | Table: usernames | Name: email | charset #: 8 | Length: 30 | Max_Length: 17 | Type: 253 |

Database: myearth | Table: usernames | Name: role | charset #: 8 | Length: 10 | Max_Length: 5 | Type: 253 |